Mental Health

Abuse on the Increase
Abuse. So much has been written on various forms of abuse. It has been discussed by numerous experts; prevention and treatment programmes have been set up; survivors have braved secondary trauma by following through in ineffective legal sytems the world over. Why is abuse on the increase then?
Anger as an Emotion
Anger can be a difficult emotion to feel; however, it is a part of the healing process that survivors of child abuse must go through.
Boundaries and Respect
If you are a survivor of child abuse, this article talks about boundaries and respect.
Boundaries for Survivors
Boundaries are necessary in one's journey towards healing and wholeness. While boundaries are not easily established, once put into use they can tremendously help the survivor of child abuse.
Can a Victim Show Compassion for Their Abuser?
Is compassion something that can be shown to an abuser? Is compassion intertwined with forgiveness? This article explores the concept of compassion when it comes to abuse.
Child Abuse and Alcoholism
Alcohol works like a toxin in families. Children are often abused where alcohol is a factor.
Child Abuse and Eating Disorders
Childhood abuse can lead to eating disorders that last many years. Learn why and what steps can be taken towards healing.
Child Abuse Disassociation Coping Skill
Child Abuse. Will it keep you deadlocked in a lifelong pattern of abuse or do you choose to be free to live the life you were meant to? You have a choice in how your life will be from now on.
Children, Respect, and Disrespect
Abuse of a child clearly shows that the perpetrator has no respect for that child, or their rights. This article touches on the topic of respect for children.
Conventional Therapy & Horse Interaction.
The purpose of the article is to list the benefits as well as the disadvantages of using horses in conjunction with conventional therapy methods and to do a brief comparison between the two.
Dealing With Grief
Grief is a healthy part of the healing process for survivors of child abuse. Each survivor deals with some area of grief.
Defining Strength
Strength is best defined by each individual, since it means different things to different people. In this article, I share my viewpoint on strength.
If you were abused as a child did you know you are more likely to experience major depression. Would you recognize the signs of a clinical depression? Do you know where to find help? Learn how to get the help you need.
Depression and the Survivor
Many survivors of child abuse suffer from depression. Seeking help for it is perfectly understandable, and necessary, in order to heal.
Emergency Stage of Healing From Sexual Abuse
There are several stages of healing from childhood sexual abuse. The emergency stage can be the hardest to deal with. Learn coping skills to get through this difficult time.
Emotions of abuse
Emotions of abuse. Anger, self loathing, hurt, unforgiveness and shame are but a few emotions caused by abuse. Not dealing with them constructively will lead to more trauma.Learn more about anger survivors of abuse experience and how to deal with it.
Find the Beauty Within
Each day there is beauty to be found. There are many forms of beauty; however, I have only touched on a few. Seek your beauty and cling to it with the courage and perseverance you possess.
Flashbacks are something that a child might experience after enduring traumatic events in their life, such as abuse. This article explores more about flashbacks and how one might help the child through them.
Getting Past the Memories
The holiday season can be a time of great frustration as survivors of child abuse remember times that were filled with pain. This article explores the possibility of creating new memories for today and learning to enjoy the holiday season now upon us.
I believe every person that has experienced child abuse will eventually go through the grieving process. Exactly what is it that a survivor of child abuse grieves? How can the survivor navigate through the grieving process?
How Childhood Abuse Affects the Adult Survivor
The long term affect of childhood abuse varies based on many variables that affect how someone handles the abuse as an adult. Learn how adult survivors are affected or not affected by their childhood abuse.
Hurtful Comments from Others
Often, when a survivor of child abuse is ready to process their past and learn to move on in their lives, there are some comments that can hurt them and hinder their healing process.
Journaling as Healing
Journaling is an excellent tool to incorporate into your healing process. Here are some ideas to get you started.
Lessons to be Learned
Tyruss "Ty" Toribio was just three years old when he was allegedly murdered by his mother. How can we learn from this terrible tragedy?
Memories and Healing
Memories can be a difficult thing for survivors of child abuse. Sometimes the memories that surface can seem to come in much like a flood, leaving the survivor feeling bewildered and overwhelmed.
Nurture the Child Within
Many adult survivors of child abuse feel the need to tend to their inner child, at some point in their journey towards healing. This article sheds light on how they can do just that.
Positive Memories
Is it possible, when a person has been abused as a child, to have positive memories of growing up?
Practicing Self-Care While Processing
It is important to practice self-care while processing past abuse. Self-care can empower the survivor.
Regaining the Trust of a Child
When a child has been abused, their trust is something that becomes sacred to them. When a parent is the abuser, they lose their childĀ“s trust and it is not easy to regain.
Repressed Memories
What are repressed memories? Can people have repressed memories of past childhood abuse? When do the repressed memories begin to surface for the survivor? I attempt to answer these questions in this article.
Repressing Memories of Childhood Abuse
There are many reasons people forget things. When it comes to child abuse the mind protects the child by repressing what the child cannot yet understand, until a later time when he or she is older and can process safely the child abuse.
Revealing the Secrets
One of the most difficult challenges that a survivor of child abuse faces is revealing their secrets. Although it is hard, it can be very rewarding and empowering.
Secrets Carried Within the Child
Secrets are often pushed so far down that it is difficult to allow them to resurface. This article talks about secrets and the use of feathers as an analogy.
Self Identification
What or who defines a victim of child abuse? Or can the victim learn to identify themselves? Read this article for more information.
Self loathing
Self loathing. When you cannot see and feel anything likeable about yourself.When every thought about yourself is more destructive than the last one.
Abuse victims sometimes use self-injury to cope with their pain. Here are resources for this problem.
Standing Up for Ourselves
This article is written to help encourage those adult survivors of childhood abuse to take a stand for themselves and no longer allow their abusers to abuse them emotionally and mentally.
Strained Relationships and Reconciliation
Can a survivor of child abuse reconcile their relationship with their abusive parent? This article takes a look at this very sensitive topic.
Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse and Trust
Adult survivors of child sexual abuse have great difficulty with trusting those closest to them for fear the person will hurt them. Learn how sexual abuse affects the survivors sense of trust.
Take Time Out for You
Self-care is something that is not easily come by. However, it is indeed possible. Victims of child abuse are deserving of self-respect and self-care.
Taking Back Our Voices
Most victims and survivors of child abuse find that they have no voice. What exactly does it mean to have a voice?
The Basics of Emotions
Emotions are a difficult topic for most people, esepecially when the emotions are intense. This article deals with our feeling and using our emotions in a healthy manner.
The Inner Child
Have you ever felt as though you were broken beyond repair, from all of the abuse you suffered? It is possible for us to create sweet and precious memories on a daily basis.
The Victims Pain Can Be Tremendous
Victims of child abuse can carry the pain of their abusive past for many years. There are many emotions they feel when thinking of disclosing the abuse they endured. It is a difficult process; however, they deserve to heal.
Therapists for Children
There are therapists available to counsel children that are experiencing abuse. They can provide a safe place for the child to talk openly and confide.
Therapists Specializing in Childhood Traumas
A therapist specializing in childhood traumas and child abuse cases is important for children and adult survivors of abuse. Please understand the process may take a little time to find the right therapist. Learn what to look for and how to find what is needed.
Unforgiveness. Holding onto that which you mostly need to let go of. One word that conjures up a multitude of emotions and feelings in survivors of abuse.
Validation for Survivors
Every survivor of child abuse deserves to have their feelings validated. They need to know that what they are experiencing is normal and justified, considering what they have endured.
What is Processing?
What is processing? How can it help the survivor of child abuse? How does one process? These questions are all highlighted in this article.
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