Relationships and Holidays

A Greeting Card Collection
Can a Christmas Card or a Birthday Card be better than a gift? I’m sure many people would answer that question with a resounding NO! My answer would be a resounding YES! No matter what occasion or what holiday is being observed or celebrated a card is a special remembrance of that moment in time.
A Happy Thanksgiving Family Story
Holidays, with all their work and frustrations and anticipations, are still special opportunities for family members to bring out the best in each other. Memories of those family gatherings are heirlooms of our lives just like the family china that was used to serve those special holiday dinners.
A New Year Can Be A New Start
Time marches on and sometimes it flies; so it comes as no surprise that every December 31st, a brand new year arrives. No matter what type of timepiece, you use to mark the time, don’t forget to celebrate, by saying Happy New Year and singing Auld Lang Syne. Do you have any new start ideas?
A Thanksgiving Spoonful of Sugar
Holidays are conducive to remembering holidays from our past but they are also times that we should be creating the holiday memories of tomorrow. While I’ve had many memorable Thanksgiving holidays, the one I’m about to focus on is the one about to occur and an imaginary spoonful of thankful sugar.
Celebrate Unconditional Love On Mothers Day
Once Upon a time a child was born. She is my child. Mothers all over the world have shared my experience of giving birth and raising a child. We have many things in common but probably the strongest emotion most of us share is unconditional love for our children. This Mothers Day lets celebrate it!
Cherished Always - Memorial Day Wings to Fly
On Memorial Day when you enjoy your picnic or parade or shop the holiday sales, remember to take the time to also cherish and pay tribute to the people who gave you both your roots to stay grounded and your wings to fly to your highest aspirations. Don't forget to remember!
Christmas and the Falling in Love Fantasy
According to the lyrics of the classic Christmas song, The Christmas Waltz, Christmas is “… the time of year when the world falls in love.” In fact, if you watch holiday movies and the commercials that go along with them, you would believe that everyone does fall in love at Christmas. True or false?
Christmas Miracles, Pennies and Prayers
Even Pennies and Prayers Help. That’s what the sign the lady is holding has printed on it. She’s taken up a post at the busy intersection in front of the plaza hoping that the busy traffic pattern will allow people to reach out and hand her a dollar or two as they go by. Some sneer but some help...
Fourth of July Holiday and The American Way
This is our country and there’s no better time to reflect on what it stands for than when we celebrate the 4th of July – Independence Day. What’s this holiday all about? It’s about the American Dream, fireworks lighting up the sky, every relationship in your life, and Yankee Doodle Dandies!
Fourth of July Tribute
Happy Birthday America! This 4th of July let’s reflect on all that is amazing about America. America is more than a bright and shining city on a hill – it is a bright and shining spacious night sky filled with shining stars of many shapes and sizes – Americans - as amazing as fireworks in the sky.
Ghost Of A Chance
Play nice ghosts and ghouls, relationships that work have some ground rules:
Be kind to each other! Don’t lie! Don’t cheat! It’s not only candy that should be sweet! Beware of ghosts this Halloween - Too scary to marry, too crazy to date, too strange to go out with, they could make you faint...
Happy Easter - Happy Spring!
Spring has sprung. For many of us the arrival of Spring corresponds with Easter. Adults think we know what children are thinking but do we really know? Perhaps we do not! This little girl of yesteryear wasn't thinking about Easter candy she was thinking about her Mama's Easter Bonnet.
Is Halloween a New Romantic Holiday?
Many things in the world are now considered upside down. Is Halloween considered by some to be a romantic holiday in our upside down world? Romantic Vampires and Glampires and sexy Witches now appear on the screen and in books and our minds. So is Halloween now seen as a new romantic holiday?
Looking for My Christmas Spirit
Here's a little something to help you put things into perspective while you are trying to find your Christmas Spirit in the hectic moments of preparation for the holidays.
Love is in the Air – Valentines Day Must Be Close
Can you feel it? That on the tip of your toes anxiety and on the tip of your tongue romantic innuendo is symptomatic of having been shot through the heart with Cupid’s arrow. That tingling love is in the air feeling must mean Valentines Day is near.
Memorial Day - A Time to Remember
Our relationship with our American Patriotic Holidays is also a relationship with those who served our country and a time to remember and honor their service and their love for all of us. Today I share pages from my book An American Holiday Patchwork about Memorial Day. Never forget to remember...
New Years Resolutions Alternative
In just a blink of an eye another new year will be starting. Every New Year we are prompted to make resolutions or promises to ourselves. We all set out with wonderful good intentions but often fail. Why not try an alternative? Throw all the balls up in the air and see which ones you catch.
Remember Me
Most people want to be thought of by others and want to be remembered while they are here and after they are no longer here physically. That fact is part of the basis for many of our holiday, birthday and anniversary celebrations. Remember Me is more than a computer term related to your passwords.
Seaside Beach Holidays
August is a month with no really significant holiday so what better time is there to create your own special holiday at a beach of your choice. Having a holiday at the beach at anytime is an enjoyable adventure. Allow yourself to relax and to JUST BE.
St. Patrick's Day - Looking for Luck
St. Patrick’s Day traditionally is a day that we celebrate luck. It’s often accompanied by sayings such as The Luck of the Irish, Irish Blessings and stories about St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland back in the day. So how do these traditions apply to our relationships and this holiday?
Thanksgiving Reflection And A Special List
Most of us associate Turkeys & Pilgrims with Thanksgiving. But there’s something else that we should also associate with Thanksgiving – A List. It’s Thanksgiving, it’s time for making your list and checking it twice; not your list for Santa, your list of Thankfulness. It’s time to make your list!
Valentines Day Cometh - Hearts of Glass
Valentines Day Cometh – do you hear the sound of all the Hearts of Glass shattering all over the world? What makes so many people dread Valentines Day? I’m not really sure but maybe it’s driven by unrealistic expectations and ruined by reality arriving. Maybe one or maybe both people are to blame.
Valentines Day – Hate It? Kissed Off ?
Do you HATE Valentines Day? It seems to have become passé these days to like Valentine’s Day, but I do! Do you love or hate Valentines Day? Share your choice on my Facebook page by choosing the article that supports your position – love or hate?
Valentines Day – Here We Go Again
Here we go again. It’s that time of year. We get bombarded with hearts of all shapes, sizes and colors: red, white, pink, silver, gold - even black. Any and all colors are used now. I personally like Valentines Day but know many people who hate it. How about you? Do you love it or hate it this year?
Valentine’s Day? Love It?
Do you LOVE Valentines Day? It seems to have become passé these days to like Valentine’s Day, but I do because it’s a celebration of love and romance. Do you love or hate Valentines Day? Share your choice on my Facebook page by choosing the article that supports your position – love or hate?
Wishing You a Wee Bit of Luck for St Patrick’s Day
How’s your relationship with luck? Is everyone lucky on St. Patrick’s Day or only Irish folks? Do you think you’re lucky? Are you lucky because you believe in luck? Or do you believe in luck because you’re lucky? Or is all this talk about luck just Blarney?
Your Best New Year’s Resolution Ever
So it’s time to make those annoying New Year’s Resolutions. You know the promises that you make every year that you never follow through on because they are often just too hard and overwhelming. This year I have a special one for you to try that could make a big difference in how you view life.
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